who would you be if you listened to your inner leader?

You want to feel more at peace in your life as you do more of what matters to you. You want to make progress on the habits and goals you're being called to, and feel energized and supported in the process.

Moving toward your desires can feel liberating and expansive; this process doesn't have to be overwhelming or lead to burn out. It's time to replace your desire to live a more fulfilling life with actually living a more fulfilling life.

You want to:

•Experience more presence and intentionality every day
•Feel safe to be open, honest, and true to yourself as you reconnect with your inner wisdom
•Build self-trust and confidence by showing up for yourself and your goals at a pace that feels good for you
•Feel empowered with guidance, knowledge, and tools to support you in processing whatever is holding you back from moving toward what you want
•Trust that you are supported by a compassionate mentor who is wholeheartedly committed to holding space for your healing and growth

You know you’re not meant to go through your days on autopilot, feeling overwhelmed and uninspired- and you don't have to anymore.

it's time to create and embody new standards of wellbeing.

I’m here to help you reconnect with your inner leader so you can build trust in your ability to show up for yourself and meet your needs.

Let's mindfully decrease the physical, emotional, and energetic barriers keeping you stuck so you can actually feel more of the peace and contentment you desire.

My greatest joy is watching your self-trust and confidence increase as you make positive changes at a pace that is sustainable for you- all while feeling aligned throughout the process.

Feeling stuck right now doesn't mean you lack discipline or willpower to change. It simply means you haven't had the right tools and support to work with your unique and valid experiences and feelings rather than overriding them.

When we work together, I treat your wellbeing as my own- with loving kindness, belief in you, accountability to a growth mindset, and celebration of your wins.

So, what are you really desiring to feel more of? What obstacle are you ready to overcome? What do you feel drawn to do or create? Who do you want to be? Are you ready to experience these new standards of wellbeing as your new reality?

there is no greater act of self love than choosing to invest in your healing and growth. you are worthy of showing up for yourself and living mindfully.

apply to work together


mindfulness COACHING + HEALING

1:1 mindfulness coaching + healing

You're ready to work with a compassionate and supportive mentor to guide you as you embody more of what you desire. Experience new standards of wellbeing and self-trust as you reconnect to your most valuable resource: your inner wisdom.

We'll spend three months working together as you journey inward to heal emotionally, spiritually, and somatically. You will have a safe space to process and integrate your experiences as you take tolerable steps toward the life you envision for yourself.

Your investment includes:

• 1 Initial 3 hr. subconscious healing session. We can go as deep as you're comfortable and willing to go here.

• 3 90-minute subconscious and/ or somatic healing sessions (one per month)

• Messaging and voice note access for those in-between moments to process your experiences and receive support.

• Relevant resources to support you in feeling your best. Think: somatic and mindfulness exercises, personalized journal prompts and worksheets, masterclasses, access to monthly virtual group meditations, and accountability challenges.

apply to work with me

for introspective + growth-oriented souls

investment options:

1-time, payment-in-full: $2700


3 monthly payments of $950

mai chung

"Melissa’s energy is very calming and welcoming. I immediately felt I could share anything with her. She actively listens without judgment to what you say but also intuits things you haven’t said. Before working with Melissa, I struggled with trust. I came to Melissa with problems and how I thought they should be resolved. It takes a huge amount of trust to let go of control, but allowing Melissa to guide me on what needs to be healed at the time and at a pace that is just right, regardless of what I think I need, has helped me feel more confident about what I'm capable of."

balanced connections, Reiki Practitioner + Life Coach

mindset coach + website copywriter

"Before my session with Melissa, I was really struggling to balance the stress currently in my personal life with showing up for my business in a way that feels good. The Mindfulness meditation with Melissa was EXACTLY what I needed to realign, relax and get back in touch with source (which I feel I was out of touch with!) If you're considering working with Melissa, JUST DO IT. The second you experience one of her healing sessions you'll KNOW you're in the right place. Melissa is an absolute ray of light in my life, both personally and professionally, and I don't know what I would do without her and her powerful gifts!"

lauren osselton

dave ellis

new life now, life coach + financial consultant

"Melissa's confidence, her soft voice, but excellent communication skills make her the perfect person to help you. There are many coaches out there but as a coach myself, I would only seek another holistic coach and healer. I have had an exciting life and fulfilled many of my dreams, but I want to make sure this next chapter is right. Melissa helped me gain clarity through relaxation, guided imagery and other skills. I would encourage you to work with her, she genuinely cares about you as a person."

nadine loraine

client love

founder, wholistic pantry by nadine

"Melissa is kind, compassionate and very thorough. I found she held a very calming energy for our session and brought a lot of like-minded women together for our meditation group which was a safe feeling. I was experiencing monkey mind and preparing for a trip, so I feel like for weeks I was running from errand to errand. Coming to the group was divinely timed as I feel it gave me the chance to slow down and truly tap into some clarity and peace I was needing. I trust working with her will be helpful for others too because she holds that pure intent with everything she does."

ready to embody your new standards +
trade stress for more peace?

work with Me